Discoveries by Scientific Area
- Demonstrated that the human tongue has cells that can detect fat, similar to our ability to detect other tastes (sweet, sour, bitter). In addition to increasing our understanding of what drives individual food preferences, this finding could lead to the development of interventions that reduce the risk of obesity developing in both children and adults
- Discovered a new protein that influences how fat is deposited in the liver and other organs to produce insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome. This data is currently being used to develop novel interventions for type 2 diabetes.
- Discovered how stem cells can be produced from adipose tissue cells and then converted to bone cells by growing them on a bone promoting scaffold. Development of this potential therapeutic for osteoporosis has implications for other chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and Parkinson's disease.
- Discovered that genetically identical laboratory animals raised in a similar environment can vary considerably in their level of adiposity, suggesting that there are supra-genetic influences on the proneness to increase body fat. These data are leading to new lines of research around the world to understand the causes of obesity and design more personalized approaches to preventing obesity
- Discovered that a human adenovirus associated with obesity induces fat cells to multiply and thus increase fat storage, but, contrary to expectations the virus increases insulin sensitivity. This finding is being used by labs around the world to understand, and hopefully prevent, obesity in obesity-prone populations.
- Discovered a small molecule that reverses obesity and type 2 diabetes by making energy transfer less efficient .
- Identified a protein produced by exercising muscle that improves type 2 diabetes by enhancing insulin secretion.
- Discovered that mitochondrial metabolic dysregulation is causative to chronic kidney disease.
- Developed new animal models that significantly advanced the understanding of how gastric bypass surgery reduces food intake and body weight.
- Discovered that the gut microbiome influences cognitive performance and neurological function in settings of obesity.
- Outlined the biological predictors that underlie the variable responsiveness to experimental overfeeding in humans.
- Uncovered the genetic and metabolic networks mediating fitness and exercise response.
- Discovered that mitochondrial metabolic flexibility within skeletal muscle plays a key role in the development of insulin resistance.
- Discovered that skeletal muscle can adapt its metabolism to maintain insulin sensitivity despite being unable to oxidize fat.
- Developed a novel anti-inflammatory drug that lacks the adverse metabolic effects normally observed, potentially offering a drug with an improved therapeutic index for those afflicted with chronic anti-inflammatory diseases.
- Discovered a novel molecular mechanism linking obesity-induced inflammation with insulin resistance, metabolic dysfunction, and functional decline with aging.
- Discovered novel molecular mechanisms for heat production and body temperature regulation, and how these mechanisms also impact body weight regulation.
- Developed new processing and imaging methods that unveiled the 3D structure of the sympathetic nervous system and allowed unprecedented insight into the neural innervation of peripheral tissues, particularly adipose tissue. Identified novel neural circuits that control energy expenditure, body temperature, and body weight.
- Discovered that dietary restriction of the essential amino acid methionine produces metabolically beneficial effects on energy balance, lipid metabolism, and insulin sensitivity.
- Demonstrated that pancreatic beta-cells communicate with the immune system via interactions that are essential for normal biology and altered by obesity, diabetes, and aging.
- Discovered that glial cells in the brain detect hypoglycemia and contribute to adaptive responses to low blood glucose.
- Generated genetic models of disease that have facilitated ongoing discovery in areas including obesity, diabetes, endocrinology, and immunology.
- Discovered that adipose tissue exhibits circadian oscillation, with implications for basic metabolism as well as therapeutic applications.
- Developed pioneering methodologies for using adipose tissue as a source of multipotent stem cells for cell-based therapeutics.
- Identified a compound in a botanical extract that acts in skeletal muscle to improve insulin sensitivity without compromising bone health. Identified a novel protein in the ubiquitin-proteasome system that acts as a metabolic sensor in adipose tissue immune cells.
- Discovered adropin as a novel secreted factor linking dietary macronutrient intake with energy homeostasis and lipid metabolism.
- Discovered a novel endocrine mechanism that links dietary protein intake to brain circuits controlling food intake, food preference, metabolism, and lifespan.
- Discovered that maternal diabetes reduces the precision of gene regulation in the embryo. Identified a new role for mesodermal cell migration in the development of neural tube defects such as spina bifida.
- Discovered impaired placental cell migration and growth when the pregnant mother is diabetic. This growth restriction, as well as gene expression, can be modulated by maternal diet.
- Discovered that maternal obesity and diabetes alter the intrauterine environment very early in pregnancy, promoting excessive lipid accumulation in the developing embryo.
- Developed novel genetic strategies for studying the molecular events that promote birth defects.
- Observed in the Look Ahead Study that people with diabeties can achieve over 8% weight loss and maintain most of the lost weight for over 4 years with improvements in cardiometabolic risk factors.
- Observed in the Weight Loss Maintenance Study that intensive interventions are effective in helping maintain weight loss for up to 36 months
- Discovered that a novel lytic peptide targets cancer cells, providing the ground work for human studies.
- Discovered that when normal weight adults are placed on caloric restricted diets, markers that indicate a potential longer lifespan - lowered metabolic rate, body temperature, blood level of insulin, and blood tests indicating inflammation - all improve.
- Discovered that physical activity protects against the tendency to store excessive amounts of fat in the presence of a diet rich in fat
- Demonstrated together with 21 academic sites that type 2 diabetes can be prevented in high risk individuals: loss of 7% of body weight and 150 minutes of physical activity per week produced a 58% reduction in the rate of conversion to diabetes
- Discovered that a person's response to regular exercise is highly individualized and that several genes and DNA sequence differences determine how much one benefits from a physically active lifestyle
- Discovered that combining aerobic exercise with strength training improves diabetic blood glucose control to a greater extent than either activity alone, a finding that has major treatment implication
- Showed that all major "popular" diets that target proportions of carbohydrate, protein, and fat have equal effects on long term weight loss and that the most important factor in achieving weight loss is adhering to the dietary program, whatever the type of diet
- Developed with other academic medical centers the DASH diet which is rich in fruits and vegetables and then proved the diet is effective at lowering blood pressure as much as medications. In 2012, U.S. News and World Report selected DASH as the #1 overall diet in America.
- Demonstrated the efficacy of Pennington-developed weight loss programs that can be delivered on the internet
- Discovered that when overeating, excess calories are the primary factor increasing body fat. More protein in the diet was associated with increased energy expenditure and increased lean body mass as well as a small, but significant decrease in the amount of fat stored.
- Pennington Biomedical was involved in trials that led to the approval of Semaglutide, the GLP-1 agonist that has been approved for obesity and give a 15% weight loss. This is more than other obesity drugs that give less that 10% weight loss.
- Observed in the Bogalusa Heart Study that youth who had higher blood sugar went on to have poorer brain health in middle age regardless of their blood sugar in middle age, emphasizing the importance of early life experiences in determining brain health decades later.
- Observed in the LookAHEAD weight loss intervention that individuals with diabetes that lost more weight went on to have worse cognitive skills in some areas, emphasizing the complexity of the relationship between metabolic health and brain health.
- Observed in the PAACE study that older African American adults who took a series of health education classes improved their cognitive skills, while those who exercised did not.
- Investigators at Pennington Biomedical pioneered development of 2D and 3D optical imaging systems and devices for phenotyping individuals body shape, adiposity, and health risks.
- Demonstrated together with 35 other sites that participants with type 2 diabetes taking liraglutide or insulin glargine added to metformin reached and maintained target blood glucose levels for the longest time compared to sitagliptin, and glimepiride.
- Contributed clinical trial data that led to the FDA approval of liraglutide and phentermine/topiramate for chronic weight management among pediatric patients aged 12 and older with obesity.
- Identified that mitochondrial fission is early event in the onset of lipid-induced insulin resistance.
- Determined that bariatric surgery is more effective then medical and lifestyle intervention for patients with type 2 diabetes.
- Reported that even though the region we live in - the lower Mississippi River Delta - has high rates of obesity, there are higher rates of hunger and food insecurity here than in other parts of the United States.
- Demonstrated that obesity in both African American and white children predicts the development of health problems in adulthood.
- Reported that measurements in 17 school systems showed Louisiana schoolchildren have among the highest rates of overweight and obesity in the United States.
- Demonstrated that changes in the school environment can improve physical activity and eating habits among elementary school children and reduce the risk for obesity.
- In 2023, the American Academy of Pediatrics issued its first comprehensive guidelines in 15 years on evaluation and treatment of children and adolescents with obesity. Dr. Amanda Staiano, director of the pediatric obesity and health behavior laboratory, served as a co-author on the guidelines.
- Found that physical activity can prevent, and not just delay, cancer recurrence in patients previously treated for colon cancer. These findings could have an impact on clinical practice in the future by refining the understanding of how physical activity improves cancer survivorship in a manner relevant to tumor biology and cancer care delivery.
- Social activity and aging education are critical to brain health in older African Americans; BrightFocus-supported clinical trial results show that education and engagement around healthy aging may offer benefits that surpass exercise alone.
- Established the amount of dietary protein needed when soldiers experience high activity and low caloric intake during military operations.
- Developed, evaluated, and disseminated the now widely used Army H.E.A.L.T.H. program- unique Smartphone application, tailored to the military population to optimize nutrition, fitness, sleep, and mind/body health- to improve the lives of Soldiers and their families.
- Established the effectiveness of the amino acid tyrosine supplementation during periods of intense stress in sustaining mental performance
- Established the mineral micronutrient requirements to sustain immune function during periods of caloric deprivation during periods of intense mental and physical stress and extreme environmental conditions.
- Showed how a short-term energy deficit (caloric deprivation) and loss of body weight and fat-free mass profoundly impacts IGF-I, a critical component of the immune system.
- Developed and evaluated the new replacement for Meals-Ready-to-Eat (MREs) and produced the now widely used military First Strike Ration.
Historical Milestones
See the center's growth in local, national and international prominence through its lifespan.