Cell Biology and Bioimaging Core


David Burk

David Burk, PhD


The mission of the Cell Biology and Bioimaging Core is to provide investigators access to imaging, flow cytometry, and specimen preparation related instrumentation, training, and expertise and to promote and facilitate research on obesity, diabetes, nutrition, and metabolic disease.

About this Core

The Cell Biology and Bioimaging core provides investigators the opportunity to use equipment dedicated to histology, flow cytometry, and optical imaging techniques. Located centrally in the Pennington Biomedical Basic Sciences Building, the CBBC occupies rooms L4076, L4016, and L4011, with separate cell culture and dissociation equipment in C1015.  The imaging equipment in L4076 and L4011 include a wide variety of optical imaging platforms including widefield fluorescence and transmitted imaging (Zeiss Axioskop 40, Zeiss Axiovert 40), semiautomated imaging (BioTek Lionheart FX), whole slide scanning (Hamamatsu Nanozoomer), laser microdissection (Leica LMD6000), total internal reflection fluorescence (Leica TIRF), light sheet microscopy (LaVision BioTec Ultramicroscope II), and confocal (Leica SP5 multiphoton, Olympus FV1000). Analytical FACS instrumentation is located in L4076 and include a 4-channel BD FACSCalibur and >30-color-capable Cytek Aurora 5-laser analyzer. The CBBC also houses the necessary equipment for tissue processing, staining, and sectioning, including cryostats, rotary microtomes, a sliding microtome, compresstome, autostainer, and coverslipper. Ancillary space is available for conducting tissue clearing, RNAScope in situ staining, cell culture, and tissue dissociation via a Miltenyi Biotec gentleMACS Octo dissociator with heaters.   



For more information, visit our core website: http://labs.pbrc.edu/cellbiology/