Important Dates for Pilot and Feasibility Program

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The LAUNCHED program will award up to $50,000 in Pilot and Feasibility funding to our cohort scholars and eligible early-career scientists. Each project is limited to one year and funding is specifically designed to assist in obtaining data that can be used to apply for a competitive NIH grant.

Initial Email Announcement: June 14, 2024
Informational Webinar, which will be recorded: June 28, 2024
Letter of Intent (LOI): LOIs will be accepted from July 1, 2024 to December 19, 2025
Invitation to Submit Full Application: Approximately 2-3 weeks after an LOI is submitted
Full Application and IRB or IACUC Due Date: 8 weeks after invitation to submit a full application
Notification of Funding: Approximately 6-8 weeks after submission of the full application


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