Member Enrichment
We take pride in offering enrichment activities that are relevant and bring value to not only to our local NORC members and communities but also those within the other 11 NORCs around the country.
Examples of our recent activities include:
Trans-NORC Training Course on Nutrition and Obesity Methods: On September 8-10, 2019, we hosted the inaugural Pennington/Louisiana Training in Obesity and Nutrition methods course. During this 2-day training, 27 visitors from the other Nutrition and Obesity Research Centers visited Pennington Biomedical and enjoyed didactic classes and hands-on training encounters led by our NORC faculty. The curriculum developed for this training course highlights our expertise and provides overview of methods in human, animal and molecular phenotyping encounters. We plan to offer this course on an annual basis and expand its reach to additional Trans-NORC members. The next training course on “Nutrition & Obesity Research Methods” will be held at Pennington Biomedical April 26-28, 2022.

Eric Ravussin’s welcome presentation

Mary Evans from NIDDK addresses the training course attendees
Obesity Day: January 24th, 2020 marked the inaugural NORC Obesity Day held at the LSU Health Sciences Center (HSC) in New Orleans. There were with 53 attendees from Pennington Biomedical, LSU HSC and Tulane and thus this event offered a conduit for scientific exchange between members of the NORC community. This half day event featured a welcome from Eric Ravussin, NORC Director, presentations from each Core Director, 17 blitz presentations on NORC member research and an overall discussion. This event will become an annual Enrichment Core activity with plans for future expansion to other institutions within the state either with a similar in-person event or a virtual event via webinar.

Owen Carmichael Presents at the 2019 NORC Obesity Day

Presentation from the Molecular Mechanisms Core at the 2019 NORC Obesity Day
Diabetes Day: We commonly organize a Diabetes Day in Baton Rouge where NORC faculty present their research on obesity and diabetes. The most recent Diabetes Day was held on May 3, 2019 where 45 scientists attended and 20 presented.
Newsletters: Two electronic newsletters per year are solely devoted to communicating NORC activities with its members. The goal of the newsletter is to inform NORC members, external advisory committee members, NIDDK leadership and others about significant updates within the center. Topics include news from the NORC Director, descriptions of the NORC pilot and feasibility award winners and their funded projects, and updates on Enrichment Core Activities including courses, new appointments to NIDDK sponsored T32 training grant “Training in Obesity Research” and new publications by NORC faculty.