Molecular Mechanisms Core
The Genomics Core will provide services in genomics such as:
- Sanger DNA sequencing and fragment analysis service
- Quantitative PCR instruments provided for cost-effective shared use with support for experimental design, instrument and software use, and data analysis
- Microarray analysis service including experiment consultation, RNA quality control, labeling of RNA, hybridization of microarray chips, scanning, and data production
- Next-generation sequencing including consultation for experimental design, grant writing support, library creation service or assistance, instrument run, and data analysis
- Robotic pipetting for quantitative PCR and custom pipetting projects
- Western blot analysis instrument including in-cell westerns of tissue cultures
- XF24 Extracellular Flux Analyzer, an instrument that simultaneously measures the two major energy-yielding pathways - aerobic respiration and glycolysis as a shared instrument with support for experiment design and troubleshooting and instrument training
- Standardized package of analyzed data for microarray and next-generation sequencing experiments to include as appropriate gene lists with expression data and annotation, cluster and Venn analysis, genome mapping, and gene list literature searches such that the investigator is provided with a “jump-start” to publication and/or additional experimentation
- Software analysis solutions for primer and probe design, sequence alignment, and data analysis for microarray and next-generation sequencing, statistical analysis, and literature searching
- To provide instrumentation and expertise for quality control and accurate quantitation of RNA and DNA templates
The Cell Biology & Bioimaging Core will develop and eventually provide services in cell biology and bioimaging such as:
- Histology and specimen preparation including paraffin processing, sectioning, and staining. Training by core staff on cryostats, rotary microtomes, compresstome, and flash-freezing platform – PrestoCHILL, is available.
- Immunohistochemical staining services are available and offer either manual or automated IHC staining using optimized antibodies provided by the investigator. Detection methods include traditional chromogenic stains such as DAB as well as immunofluorescence methods including TSA.
- Imaging of chromogenically or fluorescently-stained slides is possible by using either widefield or confocal imaging. In addition to standard upright or inverted imaging platforms, whole-slide-scanning services are available.
- Flow cytometry/cell sorting applications are made possible through the use of either a 4-color FACSCalibur or 40-color Cytek Aurora spectral analyzer. Live cell sorting experiments are facilitated through our collaboration with the LSU Veterinary School’s FACS Core.
- Data analysis/rendering of FACS, 2D, or 3D datasets using software packages such as FlowJo, Imaris, syGlass, Visiopharm, or FIJI.
Dr. J. Michael Salbaum
- DNA & RNA quality control
- Quantitative Real Time PCR
- Robotic pipetting
- Sanger DNA sequencing
- Next-gen sequencing:
- Bulk RNA-Seq
- Single Cell RNA-Seq
- oChromatin studies
- Gut microbiome
- Bioinformatics
For more information visit our website.
Dr. David Burke
- Tissue processing
- Tissue sectioning
- Routine and special staining
- Immunohistochemistry & Immunofluorescence
- Immunohistochemistry & Immunofluorescence
- Confocal imaging
- Epifluorescence imaging
- Digital slide scanning
- Tissue clearing
- 3D Light Sheet Microscopy
For more information visit our website.