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Healthy Adults Needed for Study on How Intermittent Fasting and Weight Loss Affect Aging

Studies have shown that intermittent fasting can help people lose weight and may be easier to follow than counting calories to lose weight, such as traditional calorie restriction. Exciting new research in animals suggests that intermittent fasting slows aging and helps animals live longer.

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TOS Recognizes National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month in September

New guidelines for the treatment of childhood obesity published by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) in 2023 assert early identification and management are critical to addressing the disease. Moreover, the guidelines endorse the significant advances in evidence-based approaches, including intensive lifestyle modifications, anti-obesity medications, and metabolic and bariatric surgery.

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Lab Employees

August 2023 Publications

The following are recent publications by the researchers at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center.

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Gestational Weight Gain Increased in Louisiana During the Pandemic

Louisiana women who gave birth during the COVID-19 pandemic were 3 to 7 percent more likely to exceed the recommended weight gain levels than those who gave birth prior to the pandemic. Research from Pennington Biomedical Research Center and Woman’s Hospital in Baton Rouge showed that instances of non-optimal gestational weight gain, or GWG, were seen in more than 45 percent of pregnant women during the peak of the pandemic, whereas only 42 percent experienced non-optimal gain in the year preceding the pandemic.

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Pennington Biomedical Research Foundation to Kick Off Annual Fund for Excellence with “A Taste of Pennington Biomedical” on Sept. 28

On Sept. 28, the Pennington Biomedical Research Foundation will officially kick off its Annual Fund for Excellence. To celebrate the beginning of this year’s annual fund campaign, the foundation is hosting “A Taste of Pennington Biomedical,” an event offering an “inside look” at what makes the Pennington Biomedical Research Center so special.

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Pennington Biomedical Research Scores August Cover of Diabetes Magazine

A recent study by the Pennington Biomedical Research Center has earned the front cover of Diabetes, a leading journal for metabolic research, treatment, and prevention. Labeled “The Paper of the Month,” the study, “GDF15 Mediates the Effect of Skeletal Muscle Contraction on Glucose-Stimulated Insulin Secretion,” identified a new connection between exercise and improved management of type 2 diabetes.

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Louisiana Obesity Society

Louisiana Obesity Society Holds Inaugural Conference in New Orleans

The Louisiana Obesity Society hosted its inaugural conference, in conjunction with the Louisiana Chapter of American Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, on Aug. 12 in New Orleans. Physicians, psychologists, advanced practice providers, dietitians, and others committed to treating and preventing obesity in Louisiana came together to formally launch the Louisiana Obesity Society and participate in the conference.

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Louisiana Obesity Society

Louisiana Obesity Society to Host Inaugural Conference on Aug. 12 in New Orleans

Physicians, psychologists, advanced practice providers, dietitians, and others who are committed to treating and preventing obesity in Louisiana have come together to formally launch the Louisiana Obesity Society, a new statewide professional organization. The Louisiana Obesity Society will be hosting its inaugural annual conference in conjunction with the Louisiana Chapter of American Society of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery on Saturday, Aug. 12, at the Renaissance New Orleans Arts Warehouse District Hotel in New Orleans.

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Pennington Biomedical’s Prachi Singh Secures $3.7 Million Grant to Study Reduced Sleep and Intermittent Fasting

While we typically wouldn’t give a second thought to that midnight snack, a shortened sleep cycle and the resulting extended eating duration can contribute to higher cardiovascular risk. Dr. Prachi Singh of the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge has been awarded a $3.7 million grant from the National Institutes of Health’s National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute to look into this further to pursue the benefits of time-restricted eating for short sleepers.

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Lab Employees

July 2023 Publications

The following are recent publications by the researchers at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center.

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Health Summit

Registration Opens for Pennington Biomedical’s 2023 Men’s Health Summit

The 2023 Men’s Health Summit at Pennington Biomedical Research Center returns Saturday, Aug. 26, from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. Themed “Empowering Men to Live Healthier Lives,” the free health and wellness event is open to all men over the age of 18 in the greater Baton Rouge area.

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Dr. Rood

Improving Health and Performance in the Military

The Pennington Biomedical Research Center is helping to improve performance in our country's military by studying calorie expenditure during training missions and in combat, and how to minimize the loss of muscle mass in soldiers who must perform at an extremely high level and under harsh conditions.

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Summer Belongs to Blueberries: Celebrate National Blueberry Month with Pennington Biomedical Dietitians

Since 1974, July has been observed as National Blueberry Month in honor of one of nature’s top superfoods. But what exactly makes blueberries so beneficial?

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Participants Sought for Study to Help Correct Iron Deficiency Among Women

The presence of iron in blood is crucial for the transport of oxygen throughout the body. Without enough iron, iron deficiency, or the more severe form, iron deficiency anemia develops, resulting in symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, headaches, dizziness, and pale skin. More than 1-in-5 premenopausal women in the United States are iron deficient. A study now underway at Pennington Biomedical Research Center, and led by Dr. Stephen Hennigar, is exploring dietary strategies to improve iron status in this population.

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Amanda Staiano

Giving Children the Best Chance at a Healthy Life

One in five children have obesity in the U.S., and even more are considered overweight. Dr. Amanda Staiano, associate professor at Pennington Biomedical Research Center and director of the Pediatric Obesity and Health Behavior Laboratory, believes childhood obesity is at the top of the list for public health issues of this century because children with obesity are much more likely to develop heart disease, diabetes, asthma, sleep problems and other issues.

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Lab Employees

June 2023 Publications

The following are recent publications by the researchers at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center.

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Bariatric Surgery Shows Long-term Success Over Standard Diabetes Management

Metabolic or bariatric surgery results in superior glycemic control, less medication usage and high rates of remission of Type 2 diabetes than medical or lifestyle intervention in patients with class 1 obesity, as described in a recently published report by researchers of Pennington Biomedical Research Center and others.

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Studying Treatments and Therapy for Dementia Patients

Pennington Biomedical is one of 15 sites in the country that is part of a National Institutes of Health, or NIH, funded clinical trial focused on Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC. The purpose of the trial is to determine if THC decreases agitation in hospice eligible dementia patients.

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Gov. Edwards to Lead Economic Diversification Mission to Europe, Promote Aerospace, Life Sciences and Energy Investment Opportunities in Louisiana

This Friday, Gov. John Bel Edwards will lead Louisiana Economic Development officials and business and health sciences leaders from around the state on an economic growth and diversification mission to France and Belgium. While abroad, Governor Edwards will attend the Paris Air Show, the largest aerospace and aviation trade show in the world, and BIO Day, a gathering of Louisiana and Belgian bioscience business and research leaders.

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Dr. Ursula White

Understanding the Biology of Obesity

Individuals with obesity are at risk of developing diseases like Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Dr. Ursula White, assistant professor of clinical science at Pennington Biomedical Research Center and the director of the Physiology of Human Adipose Tissue Laboratory, studies the biology of obesity to investigate why this happens, in the hopes that with better understanding will come options to prevent or treat these diseases.

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