GABA Neurons in the ventromedial hypothalamus contribute to the counter regulatory response

Yanlin He, PhD
Yanlin He, PhD,  in lab

Brain glucose-sensing plays a critical role in maintaining the blood glucose balance, but the underlying mechanisms remain to be fully understood. Here we will explain the mechanisms by which a novel neural population in the brain can rapidly sense a glucose fall (hypoglycemia) and then prevent severe hypoglycemia. This study may provide a framework for the development of novel therapeutic strategies to server hypoglycemia.

The accomplishment of these studies may reveal the important functions of a novel neural population that has never been studied before. We will also reveal ionic mechanisms for the glucose-sensing functions of GI neurons. Further, we will delineate a new molecular target for brain glucose-sensing and the counterregulation, which may provide a framework for the development of novel therapeutic strategies for glycemic control. Information from this project will be shared with PBRC researchers for future diabetes and obesity studies.