Title IX Policy and Resources

Title IX of the Education Amendment Act of 1972 prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in all areas of education programs and activities such as admissions, financial aid, housing, facilities, scholastic, intercollegiate, club and intramural athletics. Sexual harassment, which includes acts of sexual violence and sexual assault, is a form of sex discrimination prohibited by Title IX.

Pennington Biomedical is committed to ensuring all employees and visitors feel safe and have the opportunity to benefit fully from our research programs and activities.

Pennington Biomedical has created and adopted training to meet the federal and state requirements related to the Title IX Act. This linked compliance slide show is required by all new hires and renewed annual by all employees of Pennington Biomedical. This is to ensure that we establish a culture of “we are all responsible” for the safety of our campus employees and visitors.

Reporting Options

Report an Incident

To file a complaint of harassment, discrimination, sexual misconduct, sexual assault, dating violence, stalking or retaliation contact one of the following persons:

Leigh Bonfanti, HR Manager
Title IX Coordinator
6400 Perkins Road
Baton Rouge, LA 70808

Amy Martinell, HR Director
6400 Perkins Road
Baton Rouge, LA 70808

Process of Investigation and Adjudication

If Pennington Biomedical is notified of sexual harassment or violence, we will:

  1. Take immediate and appropriate steps to investigate the incident;
  2. Take prompt action to end the harassment and resolve the situation; and
  3. Take appropriate steps to prevent recurrence of future incidents

If the incident or situation is criminal in nature, immediately contact Pennington Biomedical Security by dialing 911 from a campus phone or call 763-2508 or the local police where the incident occurred.

The response employees may, as appropriate, serve as a liaison between an alleged victim and the institution or local law enforcement when directed to do so in writing by an alleged victim who has been fully and accurately informed about what procedures shall occur if information is shared, and assist an alleged victim in contacting and reporting to a responsible employee or local law enforcement.

Reasonable Accommodations

The response employees are authorized to liaise with appropriate staff at the institution to arrange reasonable accommodations through the institution to allow the alleged victim to change work location or schedules, obtain accessibility services, or arrange other accommodations. (The same accommodations that are offered to the alleged victim may be offered to the accused.) Any requests for accommodations shall not trigger an investigation by the institution.

To file an appeal to the "Charges" and/or "Sanctions" for Harassment, Discrimination (including Sexual Misconduct), and Retaliation contact one of the Confidential Advisors listed above.

Retaliation is prohibited against any employee who files a complaint of discrimination or participates in proceedings or an investigation. Retaliatory words, actions or behavior that punishes or threatens to punish any employee under this policy is strictly prohibited and may result in disciplinary action. Retaliation should be promptly reported to one of the person listed above. Here is Pennington Biomedical’s Whistleblower/Non-Retaliation policy.

Title IX Report

BOR Title IX Coordinator Report 10-11-2021

Confidential Advisors

Confidential communications will be kept confidential in all circumstances except where the institution or person may be required to disclose the communications under state and federal laws.

Denise Fontenot

Human Resource Management, LSU AgCenter
103D J. Norman Efferson Hall
110 LSU Union Square
Baton Rouge, LA 70803
Office: 225-578-8685
Main: 225-578-2258
Fax: 225-578-8284

Campus Resources

Leigh Bonfanti

HR Manager
6400 Perkins Road
Baton Rouge, LA 70808


Pennington Biomedical Security

6400 Perkins Road, Clinic Building
Baton Rouge, LA 70808
225-763-2508 or 911 from a Pennington Biomedical phone.

Community Resources

Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence – Home Page

Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence – Programs and Resources

National Resources for Sexual Assault Survivors and their Loved Ones

LSU Student Health Center – Sexual Assault Support Services

STAR (Sexual Trauma Awareness Response)
Accompany survivors, provide support throughout the reporting, investigation, and court process. Provides free individual and group counseling as well as legal representation.

Offers education, professional training, technical assistance, and community engagement resulting in safer, healthier, stronger, and better-informed communities throughout louisiana.

The Phone
A 24/7 service provided by the Baton Rouge Crisis Intervention Center.

IRIS Domestic Violence Center
Offers crisis intervention, shelter, counseling, and legal advocay.

Nearby Medical Facilities

Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center
7777 Hennessy Blvd.
Baton Rouge, LA 70808

Baton Rouge General Bluebonnet
8585 Picardy Avenue
Baton Rouge, LA 70809


Nondiscrimination Notice

Pennington Biomedical does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, religion, sex, national origin, age, mental or physical disability, or veteran’s status in its programs and activities and provides equal access to its programs and activities. Inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policy should be directed to the individual or individuals designated in each campus’ applicable policy.